Thanks Idris, glad you liked it.
I recently updated the README for rn-immutable-list-view with some instructions on how to use the new component. Basically rn-immutable-list-view will continue to offer ImmutableListView
, and additionally will offer ImmutableVirtualizedList
. React Native’s new VirtualizedList
component is easy enough to use by specifying your own getItem
method, so I wouldn’t want to make a whole new repo just for that.
However, as it stands, FlatList
is fully incompatible with Immutable data. It doesn’t allow you to specify your own getItem
; only VirtualizedList
allows this. I’m planning to add ImmutableFlatList
soon — I’d be happy to accept a PR for it ;)
They’ll all be stored in the same repo, but I’m considering publishing multiple different npm modules with each individual component in case people want to use it that way.